Okay, okay, so it took me forever to jump on the bandwagon and get this blog going! I've been wanting to! I've thought about it at least a hundred times, I've even sat down at the computer and TRIED to get it going and just couldn't!
So, I figured no time like the present, so here it is! I've spent hours muddling through and trying to figure out this whole "blogging" world. Bear with me as I still have tons more to learn, but I'm trying!
I've gotten so addicted to reading other's blogs....friends, designers I admire, groups, my buyers, etc. and enjoy so much reading their updates and what is going on in their lives so I'm hoping you'll enjoy reading mine!
I'm going to try to post as frequently as possible! You'll be able to hear all about what is going on in our daily life......my new eBay or Etsy listings, group launches, something Emerson says that just makes me laugh out loud or perhaps something she's done that makes me want to cry! That is what I have figured out is fabulous about blogging, you can just talk about anything you want and someone may actually read it and maybe, just maybe enjoy it!!!
Thanks for stopping by to check out my new blog :)