Thursday, October 29, 2009

Just for Fun

Just had to share a few cute photos of my baby girl!!

Emerson has always been one of those children that just really never does anything crazy....she never stuck her fingers or toys in light sockets, she never colored on walls, she never tried to drink cleaning supplies......but apparently I forgot to mention that markers aren't for your face! I was shocked when she walked into my sewing room looking like this, but I couldn't help but chuckle, she looks so cute!

Then, just a little sneak peek of Emerson's Halloween costume "Married Cinderella"...

Friday, October 23, 2009

I'm a bad bad blogger :(

I know, I know...I'm ashamed that I've posted NOTHING new on here recently, but with good reason, I swear! The day of my last post, my poor baby got sick...two sinus infections, a bout of pneumonia and 40 days of antibiotics later, she is finally back to normal!

Between taking of my sick baby, working, sewing, and other general mom and wife duties, I've been working hard to expand Emerson Rose Designs! I can divulge all my secrets just yet, but are definitely some exciting things in the works! So stay tuned....

In the meantime, while searching the net for some fun funts, I came across this web site, the fonts here are to die for! How cute are these fonts??

Hope you have a fantastic weekend :)